Pythons Future Is Way Too Bright To Ignore

March 23, 2022

Is Python in demand today? What will happen with Python in the next five to ten years? What is Python's future? Both new and experienced Software developers have these questions. Here we are going to discuss the present and future of Python. Everyone wants to learn a future-proof programming language. So, this blog will help you decide whether you should choose Python.

What is the Python Programming Language?

Python is an open-source programming language. It is a high-level and general-purpose language. What sets Python apart from other programming languages is that it is simple to use. Python is easy to learn for a beginner. You can embed it into any application and can run on all current operating systems. It is also one of the most robust languages a programmer can use. Python is about three and five times faster to code than JavaScript and C++. The Python program is a scripting language. Prototype development, and coding websites, and applications are possible with Python. Also, processing images, scientific data, and more is possible with Python. You can find Python in action on the Google search engine, Disney, and more. Because of its open-source nature, it enjoys popularity among developers and programmers. Also, it continues to be the base program for most websites in operation on the internet today.

What are the past and present of Python?

Guido van Rossum created Python in the late 1980s as a successor to the ABC language. Python 2.0, released in 2000, introduced features like list comprehensions and a garbage collection system. Python 3.0, released in 2008, was a revision of the language that is not fully backward-compatible. So Python 2 code does not run unmodified on Python 3. In 2020 Python 2 language was officially discontinued. Python 2.7.18 is the last Python 2 release.

Python's future is way too bright

Whether there will be strong demand for Python in the future? Is Python's future bright? Python is one of the most used languages in machine learning and data science. Thus, Python's future is way too bright. Why do developers choose Python for these new fields? Because of its simplicity, flexibility, stability, and great community. If you have any difficulties, there are plenty of Python forums and groups. So it is easy to find answers to your questions.

There is one more reason why developers go with Python for machine learning and data science. The reason is the wide range of scientific libraries. For example, you can use TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit for machine learning. NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn, and SciPy for data analysis and visualization. You can also use NLTK and spaCy for natural language processing.

Python is the top choice for web development. There are many reasons for this. Such as ease of use, readability, robustness, maintainability, versatility, flexibility, and security. Also, there is a wide range of web frameworks Python offers to simplify development. Among the most popular are Django, Flask, Tornado, Pyramid, web2py, Bottle, and CherryPy.

These companies use Python

There is one other way of looking at Python's future market demand. For this, you need to consider real-world Python projects. According to BuiltWith, 232,719 websites use Python as of November 2020. Among world-famous companies that use this language are Instagram, Google, Netflix, and Reddit. Also, IBM, Facebook, Spotify, Quora, and Dropbox use Python. Let us take a moment to review some of them.


Python has not been an essential part of Reddit from the start. Originally, Reddit made use of Common Lisp. But after six months, the company migrated to Python. There was a Python Conference in 2009. Reddit CEO Steve Huffman commented on the shift to Python at the conference. There were two main reasons for the migration. The first was that Python had more libraries. The second was it is a writable, expressive, and readable code.

Reddit hosts over 330 million monthly active users. Also, Reddit has over 21 billion screen views each month. Reddit contains more than 130,000 active communities and is the fifth most visited website in the US. To handle high loads and ensure efficient and fast performance, Reddit uses Python.


Netflix is one of the worlds leading entertainment media service providers. Python is the primary technology at Netflix from the beginning. Open Connect(CDN) of Netflix uses Python. Open Connect delivers Netflix movies and TV shows to subscribers across the globe. Python helps Netflix in Statistical analytics, Automation tasks, visualization, and data exploration. Also, for Security automation, vulnerability identification, and risk classification, Python is the choice. Besides the use cases mentioned above, Netflix relies on Python for machine learning. Recommendation algorithms to exactly understand what their users are in the mood. Netflix also uses Artwork personalization algorithms. Since user preferences differ, it is better to find the best image for each user. All this requires pointing out the aspects of a title that relates to the user's interests. Marketing algorithms automate paid marketing campaigns for Netflix.


Google has a deep interest in Python. They have attracted many best Pythonistas to join them. Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, worked for Google from 2005 until 2012. There are many ways Google uses Python. Google search engine creation comprises Python and C++. Also, Python powers complete YouTube. The platform for Google engineers, is also coded in Python. Recently, Google has been firmly investing in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis. All of which are in Python. Google has a lot of open-source Python projects. These projects include Google Data, Google AdWords, and Google APIs.

To be successful tomorrow, learn Python today.

Now we know that Python's future is bright. To be successful tomorrow, learn Python today. But then comes the question of what to learn in Python. And, from where to learn Python? There are various options available when choosing a Python training course. You can opt for Data Science or Machine learning with Python. Or you can opt for Web development or Cyber Security. But, first of all, you need to learn the basics of the language. But it is better if you can find it all under one roof. 

IIHT Surat brings the best Python training course for you. Being the best IT training and placement institute, IIHT Surat is all you need. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll in the Python training course by IIHT Surat today.


Why is Python's future bright?

Python's future is bright because of its growing popularity, ease of use, versatility, and strong community support. It has a wide range of applications, making it useful for developers across many industries.

What kind of applications can be built using Python?

Python can be used to build a wide range of applications, including web applications, desktop applications, games, data analysis tools, machine learning models, and more.

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