5 Reasons Why Success Lies Beyond Academic Excellence

March 23, 2022


Why success lies beyond academic excellence? This a rather common question in the minds of the new generation. The answer is quite simple and very obvious. Have you ever used Facebook, Microsoft products, or electric light? All these and many other discoveries and inventions changed the face and fate of this world. People without academic degrees brought all these into the real world. It is never wrong to achieve a better grade in studies. But sometimes, real-life success needs a lot more than ranks.

There is more than one reason that success lies beyond academic excellence. There are biographies of many great personalities that describe many of those reasons. But today, let us see some common(global) reasons that explain the term.

1 What's in your brain is beyond what you can read in books.

Before the development of the computer, no book stated how to create one. It was not an experiment learned from a book and reperformed. It was an idea developed in the human brain that came into reality. You must read and use what is already invented. But, success is when you discover something beyond what you read or used. Thinking out of the box is what creates the difference.

“Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”

― Oscar Wilde

2 Life is much harder than what academics can teach us.

Books can help us learn about life. But, a single real-life experience can teach us more than any number of books read. Academics can train us in everything to secure a job. But it can never teach us to tackle the problems that come with doing a job. There are many steps of difficulties a person goes through in life. All these problems are unique for everyone and have unique solutions. No book can ever describe all these solutions.

3 Do what you love, or you will be forced to love what you do.

I know people who loved arts, sports, and many other activities they were exceptionally good at. The only reason they never succeeded is that they gave up their passion for academics. The real success in life is being what we are meant to be, not what others want us to be. Think about it if the parents of your favorite sportsmen had forced them to become a topper rather than play sport. Or your famous singer would have given up on singing to secure a desk job. Academics is a great way to become successful, but it is not the only way.

4 Academic excellence is valuable, but creativity is priceless.

Belonging to an IT background, I know how to build apps or make a website, but that's not important. Any person studying programming and design can do that job. It is necessary to first develop an idea. Because only an idea is later crafted into reality. Any academic can only teach an artist to paint. But the masterpiece he creates only comes from within him.

5 Life is not a rat race.

Life is not a rat race as we are taught since childhood. Who are we competing with and why. Every human being is unique and everyone is meant to be in this world to serve it and make it a better place to live. We are taught that we need to win against others and keep winning. But why are we even competing in a race we are not even meant to be? There is no competition. Everyone is a winner in his/her personal skill.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

― Albert Einstein


Success and education are two different parameters of life that define a person. Being educated and being successful are two factors that may or may not be related to one another.In some way or another other learning is mandatory in our lives to attain success. It is a well-known fact that learning comes from education. But an education can’t be only achieved by attending lectures at schools and colleges. Some real-life happenings, incidences, and experiments also teach us and educate us. So, success sometimes may be dependent on academics. But success always lies beyond academic excellence.